Genre: Nursery rhyme/children’s song
This piece was composed in response to ‘Meng, R., Yeo, A., Ding, M., & Alibali, M. W. (2023). Linking representations of equality in first-grade mathematics lessons in China. Educational Research for Policy and Practice.‘ as part of the research paper ‘Using art-based methods to explore processes of knowledge brokering in mathematics education’ (Rycroft-Smith, in press).
Genre: Choral piece written for four voices
This piece was composed in response to ‘Guerra, P. L., & Wubbena, Z. C. (2017). Teacher Beliefs and Classroom Practices. 26(1)’ as part of the research paper ‘Using art-based methods to explore processes of knowledge brokering in mathematics education’ (Rycroft-Smith, in press).
Genre: Dramatic folk/musical theatre song
This piece was composed in response to ‘Kopparla, M., & Saini, A. K. (2022). “Science Is My True Villain”: Exploring STEM Classroom Dynamics through Student Drawings. European Journal of STEM Education, 7(1).‘ as part of the research paper ‘Using art-based methods to explore processes of knowledge brokering in mathematics education’ (Rycroft-Smith, in press).
Genre: Musical theatre/cabaret
This piece was composed in response to ‘Fan, X., & Chen, M. (2001). Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 22.‘ as a pilot for the collaborative knowledge brokering composition process for the paper ‘Using art-based methods to explore processes of knowledge brokering in mathematics education’ (Rycroft-Smith, in press).