The Hextile Project

What is the Hextile Project?

The Hextile Project is a way for anyone who would like to collaborate with me to be part of an art/maths piece celebrating the way that we all make individual meaning from and with mathematics. These experiences, all deeply personal and emotional as well as cognitive, combine together to make something greater than the sum of its parts: a humanised, collective experience of maths that is for everyone.

You can print off the template, cut out a piece of fabric – perhaps from an item of clothing you were wearing that has mathematical memories for you, or a colour or pattern you associate with maths – and then send it to me to become part of the larger artwork. You can also embroider, decorate and embellish your hex, or make more than one hex – the choice is yours.

The address to send your hex, along with all the instructions, are on the template sheet which you can download below:

Every hex that I receive that I am able to use will be incorporated into the final artwork – this means that as long as you have made your hex the right size and shape, and it is not offensive or not well aligned with the goals of the artwork, you’re in!

Hextile project


Why are there two templates?

This is so that there can be a seam around each hex, which allows me to sew them together. You cut out the larger hex from fabric and then use the smaller hex template in paper to iron a crease around the seams.

I can't sew, does that matter?

Not at all! If you can cut using scissors, a knife or a cutting wheel (or you can ask someone to help you) you can be part of this project. Your hex can be plain fabric and does not need any sewing from you if you do not wish to.

My fabric doesn't look very 'mathsy', is that ok?

Of course! This is about something very personal to you – I don’t get to decide what fabric you use; only you can do that. You might decide to make your hex from clothing that has mathematical memories for you, or that has a particular colour or pattern that evokes something in particular related to maths for you – whatever you like. You also might choose to embroider or decorate, and this is a personal choice too – whatever maths means to you, you can represent. So if you want to embroider a flying rainbow sequinned lizard, you go for it.

Can I make more than one hex?

Indeed you can – you can make as many as you wish. If you want to make several all along the same theme, I recommend making a ‘megahex’ – seven hexes all sewn together into a larger hexagon; but you don’t have to do this.

When is the project ending?

I am accepting hexes until the cut off date of 7th June 2022, so you will need to post yours to me by the end of May 2022.

Will I be credited on the artwork?

There is an optional cut-out slip at the bottom of the hex template where you can add your name as you would like it to appear on the artwork and what your hex represents. If you include this info, it will be added to the artwork. But you don’t have to – that is up to you!

Will I get my hex back?

You will not! It will fulfil its hexy destiny among its hextaneighbours in the artwork. Once sent to me, you are allowing me as the artist the ownership/copyright of the work as a whole (I will take this responsibility very seriously).

When can we see the finished piece?

I will be working hard behind the scenes sewing the hexes together and sometime in the late summer/autumn the piece should be ready to exhibit. I will keep you updated via social media and my website as to where the piece is being exhibited.